[ORIGINAL ARTICLE] Suicide Probability Scale: Revision, validity, and reliability [TR]
İntihar Olasılığı Ölçeği: Gözden geçirme, geçerlik ve güvenirlik
Ayşegül Durak Batıgün, Nesrin Hisli Şahin
Received Sep 26, 2017, Accepted Nov 30, 2018
https://doi.org/ Pages: 52-64


Suicide is a pervasive problem all around the world. Due to the pervasiveness of the problem, it is important to develop methods to detect suicidal people. When the related literature is investigated, Suicide Probability Scale is found to be one of the mostly used instruments. In Turkey, there are two independently conducted adaptation studies on this scale. The latter study by Şahin and Batıgün (2000), conducted with a small sample size, was not published at that time, but put into a report form. The other studies using the Şahin-Batıgün adaptation revealed that the factor structure found in the initial study was not confirmed, so that this created need for studying the factor structure on larger and different samples. Consequently, the aim of the current study was to investigate the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Suicide Probability Scale, adapted by Şahin and Batıgün. The study was conducted with two different samples; the first one included 301 and the second one included 994 participants, and the second sample was used only for confirmatory factor analysis. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses revealed a four-factor structure. The factors were named as: “Social Support/Self-Perception”, “Anger/Impulsivity”, “Hopelessness/Loneliness”, and “Suicidal Thoughts”. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis supported the four-factor structure with acceptable model fit indices. Other findings related to reliability and validity showed that Suicide Probability Scale is a reliable and valid instrument that can be used in both clinical applications and scientific researches in Turkey.

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[ORIGINAL ARTICLE] Evaluation of reading skills and Specific Learning Disability symptoms in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [TR]
Okuma becerisi ve Özgül Öğrenme Güçlüğü belirtilerinin Dikkat Eksikliği Hiperaktivite Bozukluğunda değerlendirilmesi
Cihat Çelik; Gülsen Erden; Sevim Özmen; Selma Tural Hesapçıoğlu
Received Nov 1, 2017, Accepted Jan 20, 2018
https://doi.org/ Pages: 65-76


Intelligence tests, symptom screening tests and reading tests are widely used in the evaluation of children who are referred to the clinic with learning difficulties and attention problems. In this study, 48 children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder diagnosed with such complaints were evaluated. The reading abilities of the children were assessed with Oral Reading Skills and Reading Comprehension Test (ORCT), learning disability symptoms were assessed with Specific Learning Disability Symptom Checklist (SLDSC) and intelligence scores were assessed with Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-IV (WISC-IV). Findings showed that the scores obtained from Parent and Teacher Forms of SLDSC were correlated with ORCT reading skills. Moreover, the WISC-IV verbal comprehension and full-scale IQ scores were significantly correlated with SLDSC scores. The research findings showed that ORCT and SLDSC would provide useful information in assessing the symptoms of clinical diagnostic groups.

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[ORIGINAL ARTICLE] The mediating role of autobiographical memory functions in the relationship between childhood traumas and autobiographical memory characteristics [TR]
Çocukluk örselenme yaşantılarının otobiyografik anı özellikleriyle ilişkisinde otobiyografik bellek işlevlerinin aracı rolü
Gülşen Kaynar; Nurhan Er
Received May 20, 2018, Accepted Jun 20, 2018
https://doi.org/ Pages: 77-87


The main aim of this study was to examine relationships between childhood traumas, autobiographical memory functions and positive, negative childhood memory details. The sample of this study included 169 undergraduate students from Ankara University. The Demographic Information Form, Autobiographical Memory Characteristics Questionnaire, Autobiographical Memory Functions Questionnaire, Childhood Trauma Questionnaire were administered to the participants. The relationships between childhood traumas, autobiographical memory functions and positive, negative autobiographical memory details were examined through path analysis and the mediation in the path model was examined through Bootstrapping method. The findings indicated that childhood traumas predicted positively facing with the past and negatively the mood regulation. Facing with the past predicted negative childhood memory details; mood regulation predicted positive childhood memory details. In addition, facing with the past and mood regulation functions mediated the relationships between childhood traumas and positive, negative childhood memory details. This study seems important in terms of revealing that autobiographical memory functions played a critical role in the relationships between childhood traumas and autobiographical memory details.

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[ORIGINAL ARTICLE] Investigating psychometric properties of Selfobject Needs Inventory in Turkish society [TR]
Kendiliknesnesi İhtiyaçları Envanterinin Türk toplumundaki psikometrik özelliklerinin incelenmesi
Sema Yurduşen; Faruk Gençöz
Received Jan 30, 2018, Accepted Apr 26, 2018
https://doi.org/ Pages: 88-98


Selfobject Needs Inventory (SONI) is a scale developed to measure the orientation of an adult toward selfobject needs. The aim of this study was to investigate psychometric properties of SONI in Turkish society. The research was carried out on two samples. Principal Component Analysis and reliability analysis were performed on 391 subjects (305 women and 86 men) with the average age of participants as 38.9 years (SD = 6.32). Criterion- related validity indicators were investigated on 104 subjects (76 women and 28 men) with the average age of participants as 29.91 years (SD = 10.65). Principal Component Analysis results revealed 3-factor structure and factors were named as “approach orientation toward mirroring, idealization/twinship”, “avoidance orientation from idealization/twinship” and “avoidance orientation from mirroring”. Cronbach’s alphas for the factors were found as .84, .79, and .65, respectively; and item-total correlation coefficients ranged between .25 and .60. The relationships between SONI subscales, subscales of Scale of Dimensions of Interpersonal Relationships (SDIR) and subscales of Basic Personality Traits Inventory (BPTI) were used for concurrent validity.

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[REVIEW] Attachment, anxiety and fear from an interpersonal neurobiology perspective [TR]
Kişilerarası nörobiyoloji perspektifinden bağlanma, kaygı ve korku 
Dilay Eldoğan; Eda Cengiz; Ezgi Erkan; Didem Kaya; Beliz Toroslu; Çağıl Ünal
Received Mar 10, 2018, Accepted Jun 10, 2018
https://doi.org/ Pages: 99-106


According to interpersonal neurobiology approach, mind, brain and interpersonal relationships represent three aspects of the flow of the information and energy in a living system and it is suggested that mental health is a related concept with the integration and harmony of mind, brain and interpersonal relationships. In the other words, our relationships and brain shape our mind, our mind and brain shape our relationships and lastly, our relationships and mind shape our brain interactively. The integrative functioning among the three aspects enables the regulation of anxiety and fear; however, the unbalance among these aspects approaches the individuals towards chaos and rigidity. In the current review, it was aimed to introduce interpersonal neurobiology perspective, which has not been a widespread approach in our country yet, and explain the relationship among attachment styles, anxiety and fear regulation, which are among the main topics in clinical psychology, from interpersonal neurobiology perspective.

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