ISSN (Online): 2602-4438 | © Association of Clinical Psychology Research

Journal of Clinical Psychology Research (JCPR) is an official journal of the Association of Clinical Psychology Research. The JCPR publishes original empirical research articles, review articles, meta-analysis research, and case reports from various areas of psychology, including, but not limited to, clinical psychology, neuropsychology, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, and psychometrics. It welcomes all empirical and theoretical work related to psychological problems such as depression, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and personality disorders during childhood, adolescence, and adulthood as well as studies on the effectiveness of various approaches to therapy. Our main objective is to provide innovative, qualified, and original research in the area of clinical psychology and to contribute to the scientific development of this area.

Frequency: 3 / year [April, August, and December]

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