Publication Policies
Peer Review Policy
The Journal of Clinical Psychology Research (JCPR) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal. All manuscripts submitted to the Journal are first reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief. Approximately 40% of the reviewed manuscripts are rejected without proceeding to a further peer-review evaluation, as they are considered not to be related to the scope of the journal or do not have the quality to be published. For all other manuscripts, an Editor (or Associate Editor) is assigned from the Editorial Board according to their subject. Manuscripts decided to proceed to peer review are sent to at least two reviewers.
This journal follows a DOUBLE-BLIND procedure. That is, the author(s) of the manuscript do not know to which reviewers the manuscript is sent, and the reviewers assigned to the manuscript do not know which author(s) the manuscript belongs to. The authors, therefore, are requested not to share any self-identifying information or citations in the text (please make sure you remove personal information on your Word document and upload the title page as a separate file to the Additional Files section.
The Editor assigned to the manuscript decides to accept, reject or revise it based on the suggestions or comments from the reviewers. Please note that a decision of revision does not imply or guarantee that the revised manuscript will be accepted. Revised articles are reviewed by the Editor (if necessary, they will be forwarded to the Reviewers again) and a decision of acceptance, rejection, or re-revision is made.
In this journal, the average time from submission to first decision is 50 days and the average time from submission to acceptance is 120 days. Please click for detailed information on journal metrics.
Compliance with Ethical Standards
All researchers who contribute to the JCPR are obliged to comply with all kinds of research and publication ethics practices in line with the ethical regulations published by the American Psychological Association and the Turkish Psychologists Association. You can access the Ethical Regulations of the Turkish Psychological Association via this link and the Ethical Codes of the American Psychological Association via this link. In addition, as a member of the Committee on Publication (COPE), this journal declares to follow the recommendations of the International Standards of the COPE for Editors and Authors and takes into account in its publications. Please click for detailed information.
In original articles and case reports submitted to the JCPR, Ethics approval information (i.e., the name of the ethics committee, the number and date of ethics committee decision) must be included in the Procedure or Sample part in the Method section as well as under the subheading “Compliance with Ethical Principles” just before the References section. Moreover, an (official) document of ethics approval should be uploaded as a file under the name of “ethicsapproval” via the online submission system (i.e., Additional Files).
The ethical rules and principles include the following:
- All manuscripts submitted to this journal should be original and should not have been published elsewhere in any form or language (partially or in full) unless the new work concerns an expansion of previous work.
- The manuscript should not be submitted to more than one journal for simultaneous consideration.
- Author(s) are responsible for the opinions expressed in the manuscripts.
- A single study should not be split up into several parts to increase the quantity of submissions and submitted to various journals or to one journal over time.
- Results should be presented clearly, honestly, and without fabrication, falsification, or inappropriate data manipulation.
- No data, text, or theories by others are presented as if they were the author’s own (‘plagiarism’). The authors should cite all scientific work used in the text.
- Before a manuscript is submitted, all authors should approve the final version of the manuscript.
- All authors are responsible for the accuracy of the study’s findings.
- The order of the authors should be determined before the article is submitted. Please note that any change request in authorship should be explained in detail and that changes to authorship cannot be made after acceptance of a manuscript.
- For each article published in the JCPR, researchers are obliged to keep the data of the study for 5(five) years. If deemed necessary, the data and analysis files can be requested from the authors.
- Authors are obliged to report a potential conflict of interest (e.g., institutions that fund the study).
- All authors are requested to include information regarding informed consent if the study involved human participants.
Reviewers or Editors are obliged to reject the article if they suspect that these ethical rules are not followed and withdraw the article if the article has been published. Withdrawal of the article means that the article continues to appear online but is flagged as being withdrawn for ethical reasons.
All articles published in the JCPR can be cited only by using appropriate referencing. Individuals or organizations that cite and publish erroneous information in the content of the quoted articles are responsible before the law.
Plagiarism Policy
iThenticate – Plagiarism Detection Software is used by the JCPR to detect plagiarism in scientific studies. The software has comprehensive academic content directly related to the evaluation of academic publications. Each document uploaded to iThenticate is compared with documents in a large database. In this database, there are more than 90.000 important newspapers, magazines, periodicals, and books, as well as more than 17 billion web pages and archives. iThenticate controls databases with over 30 million content from more than 70,000 scientific journals and over 86 million articles from more than 150 publishers. Publisher partners include major publishers such as CrossRef, Gale, Emerald, ABC-CLIO, SAGE Reference, Oxford University Press, IEEE, Elsevier, Nature Publishing, Ovid, Taylor & Francis, PubMed, Pearson, McGraw-Hill, Wiley, and EBSCOhost. Authors who submit their work to the JCPR are deemed to have declared that they have not committed ethical violations. The works of authors found to have plagiarized through the iThenticate program are not included in our journal. The report on this issue is sent to the author(s) and (if deemed necessary) to the relevant institutions and organizations.
Open Access Policy
The JCPR is an open-access journal. In this context, JCPR became a party to the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI). According to the BOAI, Open Access means “free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. The only constraint on reproduction and distribution, and the only role for copyright in this domain, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited.” The detailed information can be found via this link.
Copyright Transfer Policy
Copyright Transfer is intended to ensure that information is protected and distributed under copyright law. The copyright for printed or electronic copies of the articles accepted to be published in the JCPR is transferred to the Association of Clinical Psychology Research. After the acceptance of the manuscript, “the JCPR Copyright Transfer Form” must be filled in and signed on behalf of all authors by the corresponding author of the manuscript, and sent to
Click to download the JCPR Copyright Transfer Form.
Publication Charge Policy
This journal does not charge any “submission or processing fee” from the authors for manuscripts submitted or accepted. JCPR does not also make a payment to authors for accepted or published articles. In addition, for the articles accepted for publication, a DOI is assigned, with charging no fee.